Tag Archives: art

Wilma Fan Art by Jim Sheely

Seattle artist Jim Sheely, has contributed a diverse number of art inspired by Wilma, each done in a different style. I cannot recommend enough that you check out his work here and his Etsy store. Just look at the carving he did of lovely Ms. Martinez! I have a dream to own a ten foot totem pole done by this artist to some day have in my backyard.

ojimbo04 Continue reading

Bat Daddy Wilma Art

Jasun “Bat Daddy” Huerta is a super cool artist. His work is a pop culture vulture’s wet dream. Devil girls, bat boys, zombie waitresses, hot rods, rockabilly rebels and all sorts of other party monster types. He has an incredible collection of drawings that have all been done on 3″x3″ Post-Its. Here is one he did of Wilma which he adhered to a page from a hotel notepad.

Jasun "Bat Daddy" Huerta's Post-It art of Wilma, 2008

Jasun "Bat Daddy" Huerta's Post-It art of Wilma, 2008

Check Bat Daddy’s wacky Post-It Note art.